I had the pleasure of being asked to produce the artwork to accompany Matilda Brown’s EP ‘Mirrorghlas’ released of July 2022, which you can listen to here.
designed by Stuart Stafford
In creating the piece I experimented with mirrored drawings to create the reflections in the water across several landscapes. The piece that was finally selected was influenced by Scottish / Nordic landscapes, the splash of orange on the shoreline a small town situated at the foot of a bridge.
Throughout all the pieces created was the use of reflections and mirroring. The idea was to give a sense of water or being beside a body of water. Some of the pieces drifted a little into experimentation more than others, and somewhere along the way ended up with three houses on a colourful ball.
Gig Poster
Matilda launched her EP with a gig in Leadhills of which I created the poster to, drawing on imagery from landscapes of the local area.